As a part of the annual technical fest of NIT Calicut – Tathva, FSUG Calicut and Geohackers are arranging an open mapping party to map the whole campus of NITC and to be made available in openstreetmap.org.
Check the wiki for more details and try to be there for the party.
We were in search for GPS enabled devices and it helped me to familairize openmoko, the mobile phone with an open source software stack. Thanks to Sreeraj and the Kriyate team for allowing me to hack it. Though the device was an older model(Neo1973), it is really interesting to hack. I’ll be blogging about the hacks I did in the moko soon.
[…] http://www.bizzard.info/2009/10/21/open-mapping-party-at-nitc-as-a-part-of-tathva/ a few seconds ago from api […]