A month ago, I purchased a Sony Cybershot S2100 through eBay. Its a nice cam with 12MP, 3x optical zoom, a nice interface and cool features.
Even though I am not that good at photography, thought of updating my blog with few of the pics taken with it. Some are taken by my friends too…
Since I hate commenting on photos, you are also not allowed to do that. Its disabled not just because the gallery I use doesn’t support commenting 🙂
Expect more photos in the Random college photos album and a review of the Cybershot S2100 soon…
No Comments | Read More...Its a long time I have written something here. Everytime I think of it, I will get involved in something else and forget about it. This time, I can’t resist it.
Our friend, Shyam Karanattu passed away two days before. The saddest part is that it was a suicide. All people who know him are shocked to hear the news and has not yet recovered from it. Shyam was an active free software advocate and activist. Here is what Anivar has to tell about him.
For me, he was more than a friend. He was my senior at THSS Vattamkulam and also at MESCE, though he was in EC branch. He was one of the persons who has influenced me much. Even though I am attracted to FOSS a long time before, it was he who introduced me(and many others) to the FOSS Community and Swathantra Malayalam Computing group. Later, we became colleagues, organized many events at MESCE and participated in many events together. He was the major driving force for the formation of MES-FSUG group and GNULabs at MESCE.
He was so attracted to FOSS and whenever we talked, we end up with something related to it. After his B-Tech also, we kept in touch and the last time I contacted him was during the time of SMC Localization Camp at MESCE. He said he had some family functions and couldn’t attend and will try to be there for the next event. Now he left us without waiting for thee next event.
Here are few snaps of him from my collection.
He has also interviewed RMS during the FSFS.in conference.
Shyam Karanattu Interviewing Richard Stallman for Amrita TV
There are much more to say about him, but….
We all love you Shyam. You shouldn’t have done that, whatever the reason was.
I was excited watching the master blaster scoring the double century and becoming the first person to do so in ODI cricket. I rushed to my system to share my joy with the nettisons. It was then I saw a post by Hiran in facebook saying:
Some one added 225* as sachins score in wikipedia!
I just went through the link, but it was not there. But to my astonishment, found something else interesting.
So, there is no chance for it to be correct; atleast for team India. I tried to undo that change and came upto this new word: Vandalism.
Lets look what Wikipedia has to say about it:
Vandalism is any addition, removal, or change of content made in a deliberate attempt to compromise the integrity of Wikipedia.
Don’t know whether this is wiki specific meaning; but was a new word to me.
After a few seconds, here comes another change.
This was just a beginning. Then came a creative edit by some Indian fan.
Sachin in tri-color. Its nice creative idea, but not suitable for a place like Wikipedia
Sachin is now 200, but with an extra star. Its fine, but who the hell is Saeed Tamrel in Pakistan team?
What satisfaction does people get by seeing their name in a popular wiki page for just a few secs or may be minutes? Here is a sample of the revisions happening for the page at that time.
Okay, now it seems fine.
But then came these…
By that, I was tired and left the job of undoing the changes to someone else who will find hapiness in doing so. I might have missed many other similar changes due to my slow connection too(It tooks about more than a minute for me to reload the page). But, my question is why? A non profitable organization helping us to get all the information for free, who should people tamper with it?
The page normally had 3 to 4 edits per day, but at this particular 2 hour duration; from 4PM to 6PM IST, there were more than 300 changes made. Does anyone gets the benefit of these edits? The only thing I knew would have happened was the lose of time of people like me who love Wikipedia. I was eager to check the details of the edits and from where they came, but its exam time and I didn’t perform well in the one that was over today. So, going back to studies…
The page I was mentioning till now was http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_One_Day_International_cricket_records If you are eager to know, just go and check out.
As a part of the annual technical fest of NIT Calicut – Tathva, FSUG Calicut and Geohackers are arranging an open mapping party to map the whole campus of NITC and to be made available in openstreetmap.org.
Check the wiki for more details and try to be there for the party.
We were in search for GPS enabled devices and it helped me to familairize openmoko, the mobile phone with an open source software stack. Thanks to Sreeraj and the Kriyate team for allowing me to hack it. Though the device was an older model(Neo1973), it is really interesting to hack. I’ll be blogging about the hacks I did in the moko soon.
One Comment | Read More...Its now more than 2 months, that we(me and my colleagues aka Flipperz) attended the class. More precisely, we last attended regular classes on 14th of August. On 15th evening, we left for our 5 day tour and when we were back, it was time for study leave. Theory exams were like a marathon, which took more than a month to finish, even though there were 6 subjects. After that came the DSA Lab practicals. Mine was over on 14th this month, but exams continues till 21st as we have two batches in CSE. So, as a result, almost 2 and a half months without classes, which is one of the largest gap, in my entire school/college days. Still, one more practical is left and there are chances for it to be being scheduled by the end of this month. So, the gap will increase again.
When there are regular classes, we all will be looking for ways to get a leave. Now, as far as I know, all are hoping for the classes to start soon; not because of the thrive to study, but it feels being irritated staying home, without the company of friends and the jokes and other stuffs that happens daily @ college. For me, I spent most of the time at Fastech Systems, doing this and that, playing network games, browsing net and so on.
What made me think about writing this post is the upcoming 5th semester, which we call by the pen name “S5”. Its just two months remaining to complete the portions and it makes me feel very HAPPY to think that 2 subjects have NOT yet started and there are more than 3 modules left in the rest. In this short time, we must attend two internals too…
Oh God, please have mercy on us. Please don’t make the teachers think of taking extra classes 🙁
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