RS 2 recharge coupons from AirTel
Here in Kerala, Airtel has introduced recharge coupons of RS 2.00 with the caption “Randil oru Gundu”. It is somewhat like trying luck. Every coupon will carry a gift, starting from a single AirTel to AirTel call to even 1 year validity. Due to the amazement, I bought 5 coupons. In total, I got 6 days extra validity, 1 minute any Local mobile call, 2 minutes AirTel to AirTel and 1 SMS. Its not so bad for RS 10, I think.
3 Comments | Read More...Dec
Casio 991ES Scientific Calculator
After a long search for the scientific calculator, 991ES from Casio, today I bought one for 700INR. I enquired for this model in many shops, even abroad, but got the reply that its out off stock. At last, a book shop at Valanchery helped me in getting one. The calculator has got more than 400 functions, 40 scientific and is much helpful for engineering students. Unlike from other models, it has got a Natural Textbook Display and easy to use interface and is slim. It come along with a detailed instruction manual about all its functions.

Discussions on Free Software workshop at MES
Today, there was a discussion about the topics for the Free Software workshop in the #mes-fsf IRC channel at Shyam, Priyan, Shehin, Vibin Das, Sachin and Krishnaraj were present there. We decided to conduct the workshop on 11th December, Tuesday and planned for a meeting on 3rd December, Monday to have a final discussion about the topics. Currently, there are 13 members to present the topics and about 10 topics, out of which most are related to electronics side. Anyway, with the workshop, we hope we will have a voice to ask for a GNU lab at MES.
No Comments | Read More...Nov
Drupal for SMC
Anivar installed a Drupal version for SMC in his server space. It can be accessed by But, there were a few problems with displaying Malayalam(I think its due to the database formats). Anivar said he could fix it by tomorrow. It might also provide a platform for localisation of Drupal to Malayalam.
No Comments | Read More...Nov
Another small discussion
Today noon, a few of us including Shyam, Priyan, Mahesh gathered together near college auditorium for a small discussion about what all we can do related to Debian and how to make common people use free softwares. A few new interesting students also joined us. We decided to collect questions for FAQ and Linux games, so that children and youngsters can be attracted more towards Debian.
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