Me – A teacher!
I was made a teacher by my mema(Mother’s sister). She came yesterday to study driving the scooter. She had called one our relative to teach her but he didn’t show up. So, the responsibility came to me. With two days, she was able to drive through the roads(without any traffic).
Also, yesterday, I joined #smc-discuss IRC channel at freenode.net. It was a new experience for me. Again thanks for Shyam for the information.
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Uninterrupted Internet connection
Yesterday, I connected my computer to Internet at about 9PM. At 11PM, I turned off the monitor and went for sleep, with some download and upload work in progress. when I woke up at 6AM today morning, the connection was still there and the upload work has been completed. I haven’t been connected to net for such a long time and my dial up connection with land phone always breaks if its connected for more than 2 hours. So, from now onwards, I could put something in download when I sleep….! Doesn’t it seems great? For me, its really great!!!
But, still, I can’t configure the GPRS connection in Debian. I tried my best, but its not even detecting my phone. As Shyam told, I downloaded a software. But for it to install, more than 10 Perl modules need to be downloaded and installed. I ‘ll give it also a try. If anyone know how to configure, please help me.
The second allotment
At last, the allotment results were published today morning, relieving the tensions of many students. As I hoped, I got a seat in MES Engineering Collage, Kuttippuram for Computer Science Engineering. My best friend Krishnaraj has also got a seat there for the same course. Some other students from our school has also got seats there. The collage is just 40mts journey by bus from my home and another plus point is that I know many of the students studying there.
Today, in the shop, Reliance broadband connection was fully configured. The service person said that we could start using it from tomorrow or day after tomorrow. The connection is so easy that plugging a wire to the LAN port, we can access net. The connection is similar to a prepaid mobile as we must recharge it using recharge cards. Also, a phone was provided with it, for free from which all calls to the Reliance broadband users in our area are free and there will be incoming facility until the broadband connection is in use.
Another crazy thing that happened today was that I got some server error from Google. Their popular services including Search, GMail, Orkut, Adsense, etc were not accessible today evening. Its the first time I came before such an error from Google.
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At last Configured my Internal Modem in Linux
Today was a great day for me. I configured my internal modem in linux at last. My modem chipset is from “Conexant” ans is a HSF softmodem. I got a free driver of it from Linuxant. The free driver provides only 14kbps but, still its good. Thanks for the support from all my friends who gave me the instructions.
What I did was that I downloaded the latest version of ScanModemtool from limodems.org and used it to get the details of my modem. It generated some files and by reading them, I got the idea of where to get a free driver. I went to Linuxant and downloaded a debian package of my free driver(about 1.3MB) and installed it using the package manager. During the installation, I was asked to provide some paths and I did so and it worked…
Also, today installed the Lalitha keymap for Malayalam developed by the Swathanthra Malayalam Computing group. Its nice, similar to the keyman in windows and working perfectly.
No Comments | Read More...Today, from Fastech Systems, Valanchery, I caught a virus which blocks usage of Mozilla and display a message while Orkut or YouTube is opened and makes the window close automatically. The virus affects only windows and works by deceiving the users by the name svchost, which is a system process run by the network or system. Where as this virus program is run under user and can be found in the task manager.
Here are the messages which come when Mozilla is opened and when Orkut is typed in the address bar of Internet Explorer.

Use Internet Explorer you Dope - Virus

Orkut is blocked - Virus
A similar message is displayed when YouTube is opened and a laughing sound is played with all the messages. Most of the antivirus programs were not able to find this virus(heard that the latest updated version of avast can heal it).
It can be easily removed manually.
First stop the two svchost processes from the processes tab, run by the user from the task manager. Don’t remove any other svchost processes as they are important for the system. While removing, a message will appear telling you its very important and all. Press “yes”. Now, you can use Mozilla, Orkut and YouTube. But, the virus is not removed completely. It ‘ll get reinstalled the next time when you restart the computer. To remove it completely, open “My Computer” and type “C:\heap41a\” and press enter. Now, you will be in “C:\heap41a\”, a hidden directory which cannot be accessed directly from windows explorer. Now delete all the files inside the directory. Then, type “regedit” in the “Run” option accessible from start menu or by pressing “windows + r” key combination. Find for “heap41a”. You will find some strings with the word “heap41a”. Delete them all. Use the shortcut key, “F3” to search for the next one. After deleting all, restart the computer. Now you can use Mozilla, access Orkut and YouTube.
Added on: 18-09-2007
Today, I heard that some people working in shops are in much angry with their boss as they couldn’t access Orkut from the computers. Every time they open Orkut, the browser get closed and a window saying “ORKUT IS BANNED” is coming. They thought that their boss blocked Orkut…! They don’t know that its just a crazy little VIRUS!
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