Casio 991ES Scientific Calculator
After a long search for the scientific calculator, 991ES from Casio, today I bought one for 700INR. I enquired for this model in many shops, even abroad, but got the reply that its out off stock. At last, a book shop at Valanchery helped me in getting one. The calculator has got more than 400 functions, 40 scientific and is much helpful for engineering students. Unlike from other models, it has got a Natural Textbook Display and easy to use interface and is slim. It come along with a detailed instruction manual about all its functions.

Today, after two months, the AirTel GPRS got disconnected. As it was time of exams, I didn’t take recharging seriously. Another fact is that I didn’t have the money to pay for it. Anyway, after two months of unlimited Internet usage, I am going to have a few days of no Internet. Hope I could get it recharged for GPRS before 20th so that I could use net during the Christmas holidays.
No Comments | Read More...First Series test for S1S2 students at MES CE started today. Series exams have great role in deciding the internal marks. Out of 50 marks in internal, 20 is calculated through two series exams. Internals is a major factor for getting pass mark in all the semesters. There are two exams with 2 hours and 50 marks each everyday, for 4 days. Today, It was Maths I and Maths II. Maths I was easier as all the questions were done in the class itself. But, for Maths IInd, only one among the questions were done in the class and the exam was tough for me. The condition is the same with almost all students.
No Comments | Read More...After one week of strike, college reopened today. There was high police protection in front of the college gate in the morning, but by evening there were only a few. I found that a discussion is going about the strike in the Orkut community of MES College of Engineering. It is quite useful to get the present situation of college.
Also, today we heard from the teachers that the first Series exams for S1S2 are scheduled for 7/12/2007, Friday. Its too near and if we had heard it before the strike, we could have prepared much better for it. If its so, we couldn’t conduct the Free Software workshop on the date proposed by Mahesh. So, there are chances for post ponding it to January 2008.
No Comments | Read More...Today, there was a discussion about the topics for the Free Software workshop in the #mes-fsf IRC channel at Shyam, Priyan, Shehin, Vibin Das, Sachin and Krishnaraj were present there. We decided to conduct the workshop on 11th December, Tuesday and planned for a meeting on 3rd December, Monday to have a final discussion about the topics. Currently, there are 13 members to present the topics and about 10 topics, out of which most are related to electronics side. Anyway, with the workshop, we hope we will have a voice to ask for a GNU lab at MES.
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