Bizzard's Hackshop
Always under construction!

The chats in IRC is now becoming a part of my daily routine. Today it was mainly about organizing a program at MES college of engineering to make the public and students aware about free softwares and its ipmortance and significance. Sub topics included booting problem with IT@School GNU/Linux in some mother boards, configuring GPRS internet in Debian and all. The chat log follows.

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Today, I had a good time experimenting with Pidgin Guifications. Pidgin Guifications is a plugin of the multi protocol free messaging software; Pidgin – which was formerly known as gaim. Though its still in developing state, it has options through which users can create notifications of  their taste. After experimenting with it, I finally designed one for my use. It looks somewhat like this.

 Pidgin Guifications

Looks nice; isn’t it? Try Pidgin and make your own guifications. Pidgin can be downloaded free from

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Today, I had my first active discussion in #smc-project IRC. The chat was mainly related to a web crawler project, which programming language to study. The discussion log follows…

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Today, there was a meeting of the old students at THSS Vattamkulam. The specialty of the meeting was that most of the invitations were done through e-mails and Orkut. Being the first alumni meeting after me and my batch has left THSS, the participation from our batch was the highest. Lunch was arranged there and in the evening session, there were entertainment programs. It was a nice experience with all the friends together after a long time. Waiting for the next year’s alumni meeting, so that we all could have a nice time together again.

It was nice to hear that a website for the alumni at THSS is in the making. Anyway, we have uploaded the photos of the alumni to our unofficial gallery at

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Here it is…..

“Amongst the hundreds, I didn’t noticed her.
When I noticed, it was something new.
I got a good friend, who can understand.
A nice person to tell everything.
A shoulder to lean upon when I felt I am weak.
A shoulder god gave to me.
She become the Sun to me,
She wake me before the real one,
She filled my life with joy,
When she was there I didn’t felt the loneliness,
When she Smiled I smiled.
When she did not, I didn’t.
She was more than a friend to me.
She was more than everything I ever had.
She opened me a new world.
A new world with crying smiles..
A new world with smiling cries.
Suddenly all changed, she left me crying for ever.
I didn’t want her to cry.
Let my sorrows be my own.
Oh God!! Keep her amongst the angels.
Keep her high up in the sky.
So that I can see her.
Though she is not mine.”

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