Bizzard's Hackshop
Always under construction!

Without Wikipedia, I couldn’t have completed many of my assignments and reports. It gave me a lot of knowledge. This applies not to me, but for millions… So, its our duty to support Wikipedia and help it stay free!

I hope its not late to advocate for donating to Wikipedia. Send your small donations and help it stay free. I have started this new year donating a small amount to Wikipedia. Hope you will also do the same.

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For the past few years, my New Year resolution was “not to make a new year resolution!” This time, I am going to change that. Here goes my resolutions for 2011.

  • Write blog posts regularly, whether its personal or technical.
  • Just 6 more months left in college life. So,a bit more attention to studies.
  • Spent free time on my projects.
  • Spent remaining free time with books and movies 🙂
  • 6 hours sleep a day.
  • Be more social

If you ever find me violating any of these, you are hereby given the right to guide me in the right path 🙂

So, lets look how it goes…

Wish you all a “Happy New Year !

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A month ago, I purchased a Sony Cybershot S2100 through eBay. Its a nice cam with 12MP, 3x optical zoom, a nice interface and cool features.
Even though I am not that good at photography, thought of updating my blog with few of the pics taken with it. Some are taken by my friends too…

Shots from Cybershot S2100 Random College Shots

Since I hate commenting on photos, you are also not allowed to do that. Its disabled not just because the gallery I use doesn’t support commenting 🙂

Expect more photos in the Random college photos album and a review of the Cybershot S2100 soon…

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Its a long time I have written something here. Everytime I think of it, I will get involved in something else and forget about it. This time, I can’t resist it.

Our friend, Shyam Karanattu passed away two days before. The saddest part is that it was a suicide. All people who know him are shocked to hear the news and has not yet recovered from it. Shyam was an active free software advocate and activist. Here is what Anivar has to tell about him.

For me, he was more than a friend. He was my senior at THSS Vattamkulam and also at MESCE, though he was in EC branch. He was one of the persons who has influenced me much. Even though I am attracted to FOSS a long time before, it was he who introduced me(and many others) to the FOSS Community and Swathantra Malayalam Computing group. Later, we became colleagues, organized many events at MESCE and participated in many events together. He was the major driving force for the formation of MES-FSUG group and GNULabs at MESCE.

He was so attracted to FOSS and whenever we talked, we end up with something related to it. After his B-Tech also, we kept in touch and the last time I contacted him was during the time of SMC Localization Camp at MESCE. He said he had some family functions and couldn’t attend and will try to be there for the next event. Now he left us without waiting for thee next event.

Here are few snaps of him from my collection.

He has also interviewed RMS during the conference.

Shyam Karanattu Interviewing Richard Stallman for Amrita TV

There are much more to say about him, but….
We all love you Shyam. You shouldn’t have done that, whatever the reason was.

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